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«Сто лет одиночества» - Маркес Габриэль Гарсиа
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Such main topics as the symbolic concept of correspondences, the categories of beauty, high, ugly, issues of symbolization in art, imagination and fantasy, imagery and allegory, artistic conventions, synthesis of arts and synesthesia, the connection of art and nature are studied. In his artistic criticism of painting, sculpture, music, literature, drama Baudelaire advocates the ideals of romanticism, as opposed to positivism and naturalism, sharply criticizes the spirit of bourgeois art. The multi-aspect nature of the present study has predetermined the application of a number of methodological approaches: philosophical and aesthetic approach, art analysis, comparative, interdisciplinary methods. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is that it is conducted on the original material, both the theoretical statements of Baudelaire and his analysis of various types and genres of art.